
Dum dum

Graphic novel. Language: French. Publisher: Éditions çà et là 2023. Available.

Showing the darkness of the soul in astonishing graphic flashes. Frank Guigue, Planete BD

Absolutely fascinating era, brilliantly portrayed through a tragic destiny told with finesse and a few well-felt points of humor. Jean-Charles Andrieu de Levis, ActuaLitté

The clinical lines and carefully balanced panels serve a vibrant narrative… Louis Moulin, Libération

Lukasz Wojciechowski continues his tour de force, much to our delight. Florian Moine, Avoir-Alire

Dum Dum is an accomplished read concealing a humanity at every turn. A. Perroud, BD Gest

Wojciechowski’s drawings achieve expressiveness and poetry with a minimum of lines, drawing the strength of his art from this purity. Emmanuel Caille, D’Architectures 

From one album to the next, Lukasz Wojciechowski has built up a singular, meticulously-crafted body of work… Daniel Muraz, Courrier Picard

It’s all down to one line, two lines, a narrative construction that’s as humble as it is accurate. Kiblind Magazine

Behind the graphic prowess, which perfectly recreates the modernism of 1930s Berlin, the story is not a pretext. Le Monde

His fine, ironic writing blends perfectly with his very clean lines, where the imagination fills in the blanks. Moving. MarineL, ZOO le Mag 

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Soleil mécanique

(Mechanical sun)

Graphic novel. Language: French. Publisher: Éditions çà et là 2021. Available.

The story of self-betrayal unfolds through minimalist sequences, both demanding and playful, devoid of any moralism, and progressively gripping. We are discreetly disturbed. Evelyne Pieiller, Le Monde Diplomatique

The author composes a fierce satire, not without a touch of bittersweet humour that is reminiscent of Sempé. T. Cauvin, BD Gest

Through a subtle change of pace, and evocative dialogues, Lukasz Wojciechowski gradually manages to instil anguish, insanity and paranoia, until a terrifying finale. And thus creates a singular and daring work of profound originality. Benjamin Roure, BoDoï

Soleil mécanique  explores the dangerous fascinations between politics and artistic creation. Frédéric Potet, Le Monde

The minimalist geometry entirely designed using AutoCAD, the architects’ software, perfectly mimics the drifts of rational and totalitarian approaches and recalls the responsibility of those who sell their soul to the devil, even as “a simple designer”. Lucie Servin, L’Humanité

The positioning of the dialogue boxes on the pages and the breaths created by the airy frames  – which sometimes look towards abstraction – testify to the full mastery of the rhythm of the story. Lukasz Wojciechowski thus creates a tension which keeps the reader in suspense until the inevitable final downfall… Florian Zalewski, AVoir ALire

The intelligence of the story and its realisation make it a real little gem. Thierry Lemaire, Cases d’Histoire

Soleil mécanique is therefore a great surprise. This pseudo-historical work leaves us fascinated, as if this sun had permanently imprinted our retina, and disturbs us to the point of wondering if all this did not really happen. Laurent Proudhon, Benzine

Festival BD de Montreal 2022 Finalist of the 23rd Bédélys Prize

Ville nouvelle

(The New City)

Graphic novel. Language: French. Publisher: Éditions çà et là 2020. Available.

Perfectly constructed, graphically superb, this small book is also quite refreshingly poetic, the stiffness of lines accentuates grotesque like that of Jacques Tati… Nicolas Tellop, Carbone.

Dehumanizing town planning masterfully shown and demonstrated in a comic by Polish architect, and all thanks to Autocad software: it’s Kafka at Legoland! Thomas Bernard, Actua BD.

Playful and elegant, Ville nouvelle is also a political book. It advocates a conception of architecture that takes into account advances in technology, but which never forgets to put people at its centre. Frédéric Hojlo, Actua BD.

A formal curiosity coupled with a deep and sincere reflection, Ville Nouvelle is an original reading and clearly richer than the synthetic illustrations might suggest. Antoine Perroud, BD Gest.

This angular, powerful book reminds us that plans, design and curves are never enough to make a dream vibrant. Belinda Mathieu, troiscouleurs.